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Professionalism Matters

An image of professionalism is vital no matter what type of business you own. By posting your photo at the SFI Affiliate Center, that professionalism is on display for your sponsored affiliates logging into the Affiliate Center. Consequently, using icons or pictures of pets, children, and others may only serve to distract from your business image.

Professionalism Matters

That’s why we at SFI strongly recommend you use a nice, clear photograph of you for display to your sponsored affiliates. In this way, you can begin to build a business relationship with your affiliates, and they can see that a real person awaits to help them build their businesses.

To learn more, see this LaunchPad lesson.

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Genealogy Tip: Viewing your CSAs

To quickly view information about your Co-Sponsored Affiliates (CSAs), just select “Generation = CS” as the filter in your Genealogy Report. You can then select various tabs within your report to view VersaPoint (VP) totals, sales, contact, or other information about your CSAs. Use the report’s remaining filter option to further refine your CSA list (by VP total, join date, last login date, etc.). You can also click the “Send an e-mail/TeamMail to this group” option in the top section of the Genealogy to send off a quick encouraging message to your selected CSAs.

Genealogy Tip: Viewing your CSAs

TIP: For more information on how best to communicate with your CSAs (and everyone else in your team), see this training article.

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

Customized banners for better results

Focus your marketing and improve your ad results with a custom TC banner posted on your Website or blog.

Customized banners for better results

Just access the Custom Banner Manager, and follow the simple directions. You can create banners featuring up to 15 products at TripleClicks. Each banner will automatically include the names, prices, and images of your selected products; if you prefer, you can leave off prices and/or images.

PLUS…You can target audiences in countries around to world by choosing to display prices in your banner in a variety of different currencies*.

Of course, all banners you create will have your unique SFI ID number embedded in the links to ensure you’re automatically credited with all sales your banners generate.

*All actual purchases are conducted in USD.

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

Fascinating Chimpanzee Marketing Secret

According to Smithsonian Magazine, a Zambian chimpanzee named Julie stuck a piece of grass in her ear and left it there. And she did this over and over again. Why? Scientists say the “grass in the ear behavior appears to serve no discernible function.”

Fascinating Chimpanzee Marketing Secret

While chimpanzees have “culture” and traditions, including unique behaviors and tools, these things usually have a concrete function. The grass in the ear doesn’t. Best guess by scientists – it’s some kind of a fashion statement.

But here’s where it gets interesting…

After Julie began placing a piece of grass in her ear, her fellow chimpanzees copied her. Mind you, no other chimp group did this – only Julie and her followers.

So what’s this got to do with online marketing?


You can tell your readers to buy a product. You can tell them it’s the greatest product ever. You can tell them it will rock their world and change their life.

And some will buy.

But if you purchase the product yourself – if you USE the product yourself – and if you tell your readers about your experience – you will be far more likely to make sales.

Imagine if Julie had tried to force grass into her fellow chimps’ ears. Do you think they would have bought the concept? Not likely.

Obviously your readers and customers aren’t chimps. Humans are better for marketing purposes than chimps because humans are even MORE likely to copy what you do.

If your readers like you, trust you and even suspect you know what you’re doing, they’re going to want to be like you.

And if that means buying and using certain products, they’ll do it. Just be a leader and respect your readers enough to make their own decisions, and many of them will be glad to do what you do. Plus it gives you a ton more credibility. After all, you’re telling them about the products and services you use, not trying to force products down their throat…

Become a Badge Quest Bounty hunter!

Earn badges and advance in the Badge Quest contest for your chance to win free Rewardical Tokens you can redeem goodies like VersaPoints, TCredits, PSAs, Pure silver bullion bars, Bitcoin, and more!

Become a Badge Quest Bounty hunter!

Every month, each Badge Quest level qualifying affiliate gets up to 5 entries for the Badge Quest Bounty drawing. At the end of each month, SFI draws 40 winners, each of whom will receive an equal share of the Badge Quest Bounty pot of at least 100,000 Rewardicals!

LEARN MORE about advancing through Badge Quest and earning drawing entries HERE.

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

Look to more than email

Relying primarily on email to communicate with your team can come back to bite you. People routinely change email addresses, abandon email inboxes, or don’t check their email often. In addition, valid email messages may end up in someone’s spam folder though no fault of your own. What this means is that many of those important messages, newsletters, and notices you’re sending may not ever be seen by your team members.

Look to more than email

However, as an SFI Affiliate, you have several free tools available to help ensure your PSAs see your messages. These include your SFI Inbox, Stream posts, SFI Instant Messaging, private forums, and more. Check out SFI Communication Tools in this LaunchPad Lesson. Then start using them on a regular basis, in addition to your usual email messages. Chances are, affiliates who are checking their Affiliate Center regularly will see your messages. They may also update bad or obsolete email addresses and start checking their email inboxes more often for news from you and SFI.

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

Why Your Best Products Aren’t Selling (And What You Need to Do Now to Change This)

You drive by a restaurant and it doesn’t look like it’s been painted in a decade. The flowerbeds are full of weeds, the sign is dirty, the parking lot is full of trash… do you stop in and have lunch? Probably not, but why not?

Why Your Best Products Aren't Selling (And What You Need to Do Now to Change This)

What does outside paint, weeds and trash in the parking lot have to do with what kind of meal you’re going to be served? Frankly, none. It could be that the world’s greatest cook is inside, waiting to make you the meal of a lifetime.

But you’ll never know because you didn’t patronize the place.

What’s this got to do with your business?


I see folks working for months to get their products just right. And then they only spend one afternoon writing the sales letter or making the sales video.

They think if they get the product perfect, it won’t matter if their sales letter looks like it was written by a third grader. But it does matter, because if no one buys, no one will ever know what a great product you have.

This might blow a few minds and cause some controversy, but… when it comes to online sales, your sales copy, graphics and sales funnel are all more important than your product.

No, I’m not saying it isn’t important to have a great product that delivers tremendous value.

But I am saying if you don’t spend just as much time on the funnel that takes people from strangers to buyers, you won’t succeed, no matter how terrific your product might be.

You get the point.

Now to suggest something even more radical – write your sales copy first.

Then create the product.

This isn’t a new idea, yet to this day it’s seldom used.

Look, it’s a lot easier to write great copy when there are no limitations to what can be in the product, and then fit the product to the sales copy.

If it turns out any of the claims in the sales letter went too far, you can always pull them out. But you will still increase your odds of creating a hot selling product when you use this method.

Remember – spend as much time building your sales funnel as you do creating your product. This will get the people in the parking lot, through the door and sitting at your table, ready to enjoy the fantastic product you’re about to serve them.

Stick with the basics

Don’t make SFI more complicated than it is! Apply this simple 3-step plan to earn a full-time income in SFI:

Stick with the basics

1. Become an Executive Affiliate (EA) and remain an EA every month.

2. Recruit five affiliates using the methods listed HERE.

3. Teach your five affiliates to do these same three steps.

For details on these SFI basics, see this LaunchPad Lesson.

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

A good word can go a long way

A big part of motivating your team is giving kudos, encouragement, and recognition to your team for accomplishments, milestones reached, anniversaries, and for other special occasions. At SFI, we make this easy…just go to the Recognition section at the SFI Forum and post a good word about your PSAs, upline members, and other SFI Affiliates for their good works. This simple, positive reinforcement can go far in helping your active team members remain active in their businesses, while also providing a good example to your other affiliates.

A good word can go a long way

You can access the Recognition Forum HERE. Or, learn more about the SFI Forum in general in this LaunchPad Lesson.

TIP: After you’ve made a recognition post, be sure to let the person(s) know so they can see what you’ve said about them!

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

Warning to New Online Business Owners: Innovation = Starvation

When I got started in online marketing, I was lucky. Someone told me exactly what to do, and I didn’t know any better than to follow his instructions to the letter. I looked at it this way – the guy was a self-made millionaire. I was broke. So what was I going to do – take what he told me and ‘fix’ it?

Warning to New Online Business Owners: Innovation = Starvation

Somehow make it better? Improve upon it? There’s an old expression: If it isn’t broken, don’t fix it. I took his instructions as gospel and did what he said. Soon I was making so much money, I was frankly astounded.

The biggest mistake I see new marketers making is they try to innovate. They have a better idea. A better system. A better method. And they almost always fail.

Look, there is a place for innovation once you know what you’re doing…

… But not when you’re first getting started.

Imagine you’re teaching someone to drive, and they get a great idea: ‘Why not just beep the horn when they’re about to hit someone? This way that person can get out of the way, and they never need to step on the brakes.’

See how crazy that is?

But it’s exactly how new marketers tend to think: “Forget the old ways, I’ve thought of a better way no one has ever thought of before.”


Instead, if you want to meet success quickly in this business, take a system that is already working and copy it.
Yes, that’s right – I’m advocating that you flat out copy what’s already working.

Are you in the diet niche? Then do this: Purchase the top 5 or 10 diet information products. Pay close attention to every step of the funnel. Take screen shots and notes. Pour through the products and see what’s good about them and what’s missing.

Then create your own product based on what you’ve learned, and set up a sales funnel based on the funnels you went through. Do this and I almost guarantee you’ll have a good selling product.

Online marketing isn’t hard if you’ll simply do what’s already working. But being human, we tend to think we can do better. Or we think we should do better and that it’s not right to copy systems that others are using.

But all industries are built upon the knowledge of those who went before – even those that innovate like crazy.

I’ll give you an example: It’s July 2003 and you’ve just co-founded Tesla Motors with the intention of building cars.

Are you going to start from scratch, with zero knowledge of cars and engines and how they run?…

… or are you going to take all of the knowledge accumulated over the last century and a half of car making, and then BUILD UPON this knowledge to create your own cars?


Even companies like Tesla don’t reinvent the wheel – they make it better AFTER they’ve learned everything they can about what’s working now.

When you’re just starting out, find a system you like that you know is working, and then copy it. Once you’ve got it working, then and only then do you start innovating.

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