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Make a difference in the world with SFI

Quickly and painlessly donate to the charity of your choice and help make a difference in the world! During the TripleClicks.com check-out process, just select the round up option to raise your TC purchase total by a few cents to the nearest dollar amount, and make a selection from among the international charities* you’ll see listed.

Make a difference in the world with SFI

You can also go HERE and choose your default charity. That way, it will be automatically chosen when you check out. We’ll then collect 100% of the difference between your purchase amount and the rounded up total, and donate the accumulated totals each quarter to your chosen charity(ies).

*TripleClicks compiled its list of charities based on their international appeal, high ratings among charity watchdogs, and important causes.

Get more SFI Power Tips inside your account here: https://www.sfimg.com/Home/Tips

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